Hello everyone and welcome back to our UP VR Fun club. Today I will be talking about motion sickness with VR. A year ago, I had motion sickness, but I recovered it with some techniques. I sometimes eat ginger root when playing VR games. Since I haven’t used VR for a long, check your VR settings and the temperature inside and outside the room.

Many users have reported that even individuals who rarely have motion sickness may feel excruciatingly uncomfortable after only a brief session of handling the Meta Quest 2. The real question is, Why does motion sickness occur in virtual reality?

To begin with, motion sickness in VR happens when your brain receives contradictory signals about your motion in a virtual world. Typically, this causes physical discomfort along with signs like headaches, nausea, and vertigo.

One of the main issues with practically all VR headsets, and not just the Meta Quest 2 VR, is motion sickness.

However, the good news is that you may lessen or even eliminate the unwanted side effects of playing virtual reality games with the right knowledge. What makes it even better is that the solution is right at your fingertips since I’ll provide you with useful tips on how to deal with motion sickness in VR in this guideline.

All you have to do is relax and take it all in.

Why does VR make people sick?

Your eyes record the movements that are being mimicked around you when you’re playing a VR game. You may also feel the virtual movement occurring all around you thanks to your inner ears.

The muscles and joints in your body perceive that you are sitting stationary and not moving, despite what is being produced by the VR headset.

Your brain receives these conflicting signals through your inner ears, inner eyes, and body. The confusion and disorientation in your brain results in motion sickness.

Simply put, VR gaming makes people feel nauseated because it triggers motion sickness.

Symptoms of Motion Sickness in Oculus Quest 2 VR

Some of the signs of motion sickness are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, sweating, uneven Balance, a sense of pervasive “offness”

How can you avoid becoming iLL from VR?

Motion sickness from virtual reality is a very serious issue. Many believe that up to 70 percent of gamers may initially experience motion nausea within the first 15 minutes of VR.

Let’s quickly go through the best advice for preventing motion sickness in VR.

  1. Reduce the duration of your VR experiences – By practicing shorter gaming sessions throughout the day and accumulating those sessions rather than having one large one, you will develop a type of tolerance. You’ll be able to spend more time on VR with fewer or no problems.
  2. Be more thoughtful about the games you choose – Many VR games have several settings that can help you feel comfortable and reduce the likelihood of becoming sick. To lessen the likelihood of motion sickness, discover what works for you and look for those settings.
  3. Correctly configure your headset – By making the experience simpler to process, properly placing the Oculus Quest 2 headset on your head can help reduce some of the most typical motion sickness triggers.
  4. Pay attention to your body temperature and the temperature of your surroundings – VR games provide unexpectedly intense exercise and might cause your body temperature to rise gradually. During sessions, you may keep your body cool and comfortable by using a fan and breathing slowly and deliberately.

To assist your body in developing a natural tolerance to VR motion, I advise you to start with the aforementioned tips. If you only record little progress, you might attempt the further advice given below:

  • Do not play VR as you eat
  • Use motion sickness and anti-nausea meds
  • Use the game’s controls to your liking.
  • Concentrate on a single point.
  • When you make turns during VR, turn your head.

Easy Does It!

The realization that you’re not the only one who gets motion sickness in VR is comforting.

While your body adjusts, making the aforementioned routines a habit should prevent VR from making you feel ill. Even though entering the VR world may seem quite intimidating at first, continue. Soon enough, develop VR legs and be able to stop motion sickness in VR.